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Online safety for parents

Looking at staying safe online for children. We all love the internet it is a great place to learn, play and meet new friends. We love it so much that most of us parents have been encouraging our children to use the internet for school work, for research, for playing and at times we have used the internet as the nanny!!!

Its all fair and fine because the internet is a fun place to hang out, but as a parent have you also thought about the dangers of the internet on your children?
Apart from all the grand things the internet provides, the net has become a playground for evil people targeting children and young people. Pedophiles and rapists are now using the internet as a playground to lure YOUR children and that is why it is important for you as a parent to monitor your childrens activity on the internet so today we will give you parents these tips to help your children in staying safe online.

  1.  Learn about the internet. Most parents fail to monitor and help their children navigate the internet safely because they don’t know how It works. Take interest in internet activities by asking for help, from friends and even your children, make the internet yours and your childrens thing
  2. Block harmful sites upon installation. Most parents have uncontrolled wifi at home and therefore children are free to view any site. Talk to your service provider to barricade inappropriate sites
  3. Talk to your children about the good, the bad and the ugly of the internet. You will be amazed at times what an ordinary conversation with your children can do
  4. Be alert to behaviour change in children after internet use. Parents should pay attention to detail as body language can reveal a lot about what your child has been viewing on the internet

Most importantly what to do when you are a victim of online crime if you a child or better still someone taking care of children abused. Immediately call 116, it is a free number accessible 24 hours a day and professionally trained counselors will be at hand to assist you. Remember to stay safe online choose the safepaths.


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  • 31 Frank Johnson Ave, Eastlea, Harare
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  • Free Phone: 116
  • Landline: +263 242 252000